Joint Pre-Conference Event, Edinburgh 2025, Call for Papers

Negotiating Inclusivity: Strategies for Fostering Global Citizens with Strong Roots in the ESOL/ EFL Classroom

We are delighted to announce a Joint Pre-Conference Event (PCE) between the Inclusive Practices and Special Educational Needs SIG (IP&SEN SIG) & the English for Speakers of Other Language SIG (ESOL SIG), focusing on the theme of “Negotiating Inclusivity: Strategies for Fostering Global Citizens with Strong Roots in the ESOL/EFL Classroom.”

Event Description

In an increasingly interconnected world, the role of educators in shaping global citizens who are rooted in their own cultural identities while being inclusive and open to others is more crucial than ever. This event aims to explore innovative strategies and best practices in the ESOL/EFL classroom that support inclusivity and help students navigate and thrive in a globalized society.

We welcome contributions that cover the following areas of interest:

  • Inclusive Teaching Practices: Approaches and methodologies catering to diverse ESOL/EFL classroom learning needs.
  • Cultural Competency: Techniques for promoting cultural awareness and sensitivity among students.
  • Language and Identity: Strategies for balancing the development of English proficiency with the maintenance of students’ native languages and cultural identities.
  • Technology and Inclusivity: Utilizing digital tools to enhance inclusive learning experiences.
  • Policy and Advocacy: Addressing educational policies that impact inclusivity in language education.
  • Multilingualism in the Classroom: Approaches for supporting and integrating multiple languages in the learning environment.
  • Differentiated Instruction: Tailoring teaching methods to meet the diverse needs of students in an inclusive classroom.
  • Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): Incorporating SEL strategies to support the well-being and inclusion of all students.
  • Assessment and Inclusivity: Designing and implementing inclusive assessment practices that accurately reflect student learning.
  • Community and Parental Involvement: Strategies for engaging families and communities in supporting inclusive education.
  • Professional Development: Training and resources for educators to implement inclusive practices effectively.
  • Intercultural Communication: Enhancing students’ ability to communicate across cultures.
  • Equity in Education: Addressing and reducing disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes.
  • Global Citizenship Education: Promoting global awareness and responsibility among students.

PCE Format:

The event will welcome both in-person and online participation. We invite proposals for 45-minute sessions (35-minute talk and 10-minute Q&A) in the form of interactive talks or workshops. Presenters will also be expected to participate in discussion slots at the end of the morning and afternoon sessions.

Submission Guidelines:

To be considered for presentation at the PCE, please complete the proposal form available at this submission link: by 30 September 2025

Sharing Your Information:

By submitting a speaker proposal for this joint PCE, you agree to share your Name and Email address with the IP&SENSIG. If selected to present at the PCE, these details will be included in the event’s programme, on the respective SIG websites, and social media platforms. Please ensure to treat each other’s details with confidentiality in accordance with IATEFL’s Privacy Policy.

Best wishes,


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