SENny Holidays – part 1

Summer is an ideal opportunity for parents and children with special educational needs to relax, reflect on the past school year, and celebrate their achievements. It is also a time to develop new skills and set goals for the upcoming year.

Thoughtful summer planning ensures that both parents and children feel comfortable and engaged. The following strategies can help make the transition into the summer break and back to school smooth and enjoyable.

General Tips

Structure and Routine:

  • Maintain a routine similar to the school year with set times for waking up, meals, activities, and bedtime.
  • Create a schedule that includes planned activities and downtime to provide a sense of security and predictability.
  • Start the day with a quick chat about the schedule to help with focus and reduce decision fatigue.


  • Talk to your child about their interests and preferences when planning activities. Let them take the lead sometimes.

Cognitive and Logical Activities:

  • Engage in matching games, puzzles, problem-solving tasks, and experiments to support logical thinking and concentration.
  • For example, create a volcano using vinegar and baking soda to learn about natural processes in
    a fun way.

Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence:

  • Encourage empathy, communication, social awareness, and emotional regulation through team sports, projects, social groups, or clubs.
  • Older children can organize games for younger ones or volunteer.

Outdoor Activities:

  • Participate in sports, jog, play on the playground, cycle, go on trips, or take walks in the park.
  • Observe plants and wildlife, walk a dog, or work in the garden by planting seeds such as peas or radishes.


  • Together with your child, develop and practice safety plans for various situations, like what to do if you get lost, how to find help, and which situations to avoid.


  • Allow enough stimulation but also time to relax. Use positive reinforcement and believe in your child’s abilities.
  • Avoid overloading both your child and yourself to maintain overall wellbeing.

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