Our Pre-Conference Event (PCE), organised by our IPSEN SIG and LAM SIG is being held in Harrogate on Monday 17 April 2023.
Timetable for our PCE
10-10:15 Welcome & presentation of SIGs
10:15-11 Alex Fayle – Champions not Challenges; ensuring success through conscious use of differences
11-11:30 – coffee break
11:30-12:15 – Magali Moser – The Emotional factor: easing Teachers’ and students’ burnout
12:15-1:30pm – Lunch break
1:30-1:45pm – Presentation by Sponsor ELTWell
1:45-2:30pm Naila Akram – Teacher Professional Wellbeing: a call for new directions
2:30-3:15pm – George Pickering – How to develop a Mental health & Wellbeing policy
3:15-3:45pm – coffee break
3:45-4:30pm – Emily Bryson – A doodle a day keeps the Inner Troll at bay
4:30-5pm: Breakout discussions
Meet out speakers

For Alex Fayle, the Academic Director at Well & Will Langauge Academy in northern Spain, learning isn’t just memorizing and regurgitating information. It’s finding a passion, a personal connection and a desire to open oneself up to new experiences and new ways of thinking. His own love of learning across a wide variety of fields has allowed him to do what he loves most: seeing the eyes of his teachers and students light up with delight as they discover something new for themselves.

Mg. Magalí Moser, English teacher with 15 years of experience in teaching the language, Neurolanguage Coach © (Efficient Language Coaching), holds a Diploma in Neuroscience for Education (AE-UAI), Neuropsychoeducation (UBA-FMed), School Management ( UTN). She also holds a Master’s degree in Neuropsychopedagogy (Tech University) and an Expertise in behavioural neurology for teachers. Founder of the space for teacher training Miss Magui – Educational Advisor®. In constant training regarding advances in neuroscience for education and content management for teacher training offered since 2019. She is currently studying a Lic. Psichology. She’s been sharing material on her social networks to visualize the contributions of neuroscience in the educational field, thus training thousands of teachers who seek to transform their traditional classrooms into brain friendly spaces.

Naila Akram
Naila Akram is a member of the Scientific Research Committee at King Saud University, English Language Skills Department, CFY. Her research interests include ELT, Professional Development & Well-Being, Multilingualism and Assessment.

George Pickering
George Pickering is a widely known educational coach, consultant and trainer who has worked in over 65 countries. He is a British Council senior inspector in the UK (Accreditation UK), the academic director of the English UK DELTM (Diploma in English Language Teaching Management) currently being delivered in the UK and China, and a tutor on the IDLTM (International Diploma in Language Teaching Management). For many years, he was a trustee of IATEFL, and the co-ordinator of the IATEFL Leadership & Management SIG. He is proud to be an official ambassador for IATEFL. His professional passions include: evidence-based education, psychology, change management, coaching and mentoring, and staff wellbeing and engagement.

Emily Bryson
Emily Bryson is an author, teacher educator, graphic facilitator, visual recorder and ESOL lecturer. She has written various print and digital materials, including National Geographic Learning’s Voices series, 50 Ways to Teach Life Skills and A-Z of ESOL. Her passion is sharing the magic of doodling, sketchnoting and graphic facilitation with ELT professionals. Her online courses have been described as ‘the nicest corner of the internet’. Check out her free e-book, lesson plans, videos and podcasts at www.EmilyBrysonELT.com. Follow her on social: @EmilyBrysonELT.