Inclusion in ELT: global perspectives

IP&SENSIG September eBulletin
Committee members
We are delighted to welcome Agnieszka Dzięcioł-Pędich as our Website Manager. See our website for more information.
Dr. Agnieszka Dzięcioł-Pędich will be giving a webinar on ‘Classroom-based assessment for students with specific learning differences (SpLDs)’ as part of IATEFL Poland Online Meet up 2020 on Friday, 18 September at 18.45 Polish time. Find more details on
Saturday, 28 November, 2020 ‘Global Inclusion’ Online Day
We are pleased to collaborate with 5 partner SIGS to bring you a one-day online event exploring issues of inclusion in English Language Teaching. For details follow our website.
Friday, 11 and Saturday, 12 September 2020: ‘No Limits’
We had a great online event with the Association of Teachers of English of the Czech Republic (ATECR). You can find the recordings in our members’ resources on the IATEFL website. Log in to your account on the IATEFL website, choose ‘My Resources’ – ‘SIG Resources’ and select Inclusive Practices and SEN SIG to see the list of available videos.
Videos now available
You will also find four new videos there:
You will also find four new videos there:
– An Interview with Linda Hodgdon (an educational consultant working with autistic learners)
– An interview with Micah Risher and Hana’a Soudan (regarding a training course they set up for teachers working with visually impaired learners)
– Rachael Harris: ‘Happy Students make a Happy Classroom’ (from TESOLSpainOnline2020)
– Anne Margaret Smith: ‘Transferring Inclusive Practices to Online Teaching’ (from TESOLSpainOnline2020)
Social media #IPSENChat
Our interactive TweetMeet on Monday, 7 September offered advice to newbie teachers concerning specific learning differences beyond dyslexia. Thanks to all who joined us. The discussion is still live, if you wish to join in and a summary will be shared on the website soon. Our next chat is on Monday, 5 October, and the first Monday of every month. Follow us on social media to find out the next topic: twitter @IPSENSIG and facebook IATEFL IP&SENSIG
The 6th edition of our newsletter, August 2020, is now out. It contains several articles about the impact of sensory impairment on teaching and learning, as well as all the usual features. If you have not received your online copy, please do let us know.
Contributions to the 7th edition of our newsletter
We are now inviting contributions to the 7th edition of our newsletter, which will come out later this year. We are particularly interested in personal reflections, practical tips or research reports on the topic of racial equity, ethnic / linguistic diversity and bilingualism. If you would like to write for us, please visit our website to find out more.
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